October 20th, 2024

Personalising Page Titles

How to Add Custom Page Titles

Blesta is an incredibly flexible billing platform, allowing you to manage and automate billing, support, and client communication. What truly makes Blesta shine is its potential for endless customisation. Customisation not only enhances the user experience but also strengthens your brand identity.

Additionally, you may notice that pages without a definitive title default to 'My Account.'

Customising the Support Manager Plugin

Let’s start with the Support Manager plugin.

By default, it uses the title 'My Account' for the ticket pages at


To customise the page title and title box for the Support Manager, follow these three simple steps:

1. Locate the Controller File:

Open your file manager or connect via FTP and navigate to the following file:


2. Modify the Titles:

Inside this file, add the following lines of code to set your custom page title and title box:

$this->structure->set("page_title", "Support Center");
$this->structure->set("title", "Support Center");

Place these lines beneath the following code:

// Override default view directory 
$this->view->view = 'default'; 
$this->orig_structure_view = $this->structure->view;
$this->structure->view = 'default';

This change will update both the page title (what appears in the browser tab) and the title box (the heading within the page) to 'Support Center.' Feel free to replace 'Support Center' with any text that better fits your brand or customer experience.

 3. Save and Refresh:

After saving the file, refresh the Support Manager page on your site, and you’ll see your custom title in place.

Customising the Knowledgebase Title

While the Knowledgebase comes with the predefined title 'Knowledge Base,' you might prefer a title without the space (like 'Documentation' or simply 'Docs').

Here’s how to make that change:

1. Locate the Language File:

Open your file manager or connect via FTP and navigate to:


2. Modify the Title:

Inside this file, edit the following line of code to set your custom title:

$lang['Knowledgebase.index.page_title'] = 'Knowledge Base';

For example, if you want the page title to be 'Documentation,' change it to:

$lang['Knowledgebase.index.page_title'] = 'Documentation';

 3. Save and Refresh:

After saving the file, refresh the Knowledgebase page on your site to see your custom title in place.

**Note:** To keep things consistent, if you change the title for 'Knowledge Base,' you should also update the navigation entry. Use CTRL + F to search for the following entries and update 'Knowledge Base' to your new title:

$lang['SupportManagerPlugin.nav_primary_client.knowledgebase'] = 'Knowledge Base';
$lang['SupportManagerPlugin.nav_primary_staff.knowledgebase'] = 'Knowledge Base';
$lang['SupportManagerPlugin.permission.admin_knowledgebase'] = 'Knowledge Base';

Customising the Announcements Title

If you’re using the Blesta.club Announcements plugin, you can similarly customise the title by editing the following file:

1. Locate the Controller File:

Open your file manager or connect via FTP and navigate to the following file:


2. Modify the Title:

Add the following line:

$this->structure->set("title", "Announcements");

3. Save and Refresh:

After saving the file, refresh the Announcements plugin page on your site to see your custom title in place.

Customising the Affiliates Title

The last page we’ll be looking at in this article is the Blesta Affiliate sign up page. As you can see, there is no pre-defined title much like with the Support Manager, so we’ll have to add one ourselves to get rid of the pesky “My Account“ default.

1. Locate the Controller File:

Open your file manager or connect via FTP and navigate to the following file:


As you can see from this, the Affiliates section is part of Blesta’s ordering system, and not released as a separate plugin.

 2. Add the New Titles:

Inside this file, add the following lines of code to set your custom page title and title box:

$this->structure->set("page_title", "Affiliates"); 
$this->structure->set("title", "Affiliates");

Place these lines beneath the following code:


3. Save and Refresh:

After saving the file, refresh the Affiliates page on your site, and you’ll see your custom title in place. This title will apply for the sign-up page, as well as the dashboard for logged in users.


In conclusion, customising the page titles in Blesta is a simple yet effective way to enhance your user interface and create a personalised experience for your clients. By following the straightforward steps outlined above, you can transform generic titles into meaningful labels that reflect your brand identity.

Remember, a well-customised platform not only improves usability but also reinforces your commitment to a professional customer experience. So, dive into the customisation options available in Blesta, and start crafting a unique environment for your users today!

If you’re a new Blesta user, you can get started with our affordable licensing plans starting at only £7.99 per month.


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